All of Our Favorites

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BeingMortal book

Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End

By Atul Gawande
Why we recommend this book:
  • This is an amazing resource to help people reflect on their own aging, or the aging and changing needs of elders they care about, or care for
  • Helps us consider our life choices and values, and whether “more medicine” is always the right choice
  • Clearly and compassionately written
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel
Attached book

Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find–and Keep–Love

Amir Levine, M.D. and Rachel S.F. Heller, M.A.
Why we recommend this book:
  • The latest book written by the couple who developed The Gottman Institute
  • Clearly written for people to read on their own (no therapist interpretation needed)
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel
PeaceIsEveryStep book

Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

By Thich Nhat Hanh
Why we recommend this book:
  • While this was published over 30 years ago, the general advice for pausing in small moments, and using every day opportunities to breathe and reframe, are timeless
  • Clearly written for anyone to read – no previous experience with mindfulness required
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel
BeneathTheMaskTeens book

Beneath the Mask: For Teen Adoptees: Teens and Young Adults Share Their Stories [a workbook for teens]

By The Center for Adoption Support & Education
Why we recommend this book:
  • A companion workbook for Beneath the Mask, created to help adopted teens and young adults reflect on and process their journeys and feelings
  • Helpful for teens/young adults, parents, and clinicians who might be supporting them
  • Has been strongly recommended to us by other professionals who work extensively with adopted teens


Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel
HowtoTalkSoLittleKidsWillListen book

How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7

By Joanna Faber and Julie King
Why we recommend this book:
  • Clearly written for parents and caregivers
  • The authors sympathize with parents’ difficulties communicating with their little kids, and in a supportive, no-blame way offer strategies for parents to improve that communication.
  • An updated take on the How to Talk… strategies, written by a new generation of authors
  • I read this as a parent because I needed it, and I found it helpful
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel

The Family Firm: A Data-Driven Guide to Better Decision Making in the Early School Years (The ParentData Series)

By Emily Oster
Why we recommend this book:
  • Written by the economist who gave us “Expecting Better” and “Cribsheet”


Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel

For Expectant Parents

What to Expect When You’re Expecting: (Updated in 2024)

By Heidi Murkoff
Why we recommend this book:
  • It’s full of information (some people think too much)
  • There’s a reason it’s been around for so many years
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel

The Girlfriends’ Guide to Pregnancy [second edition]

By Vicki Iovine
Why we recommend this book:
  • The original edition is almost 20 years old, but still this is a nice short, funny guide to pregnancy
  • She can’t possibly actually have this many girlfriends, but if you ignore that, there is some good advice in here, as well as some empathy for the pregnant person’s experience
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel

Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom Is Wrong–and What You Really Need to Know (The ParentData Series)

By Emily Oster
Why we recommend this book:
  • It provides information about some of the common gray areas of pregnancy
  • Written by an economist who got tired of “we don’t know why, that’s just what we tell pregnant people to do” advice
  • She clearly has a pro-coffee bias, but otherwise this seems pretty objective
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel


The Anxiety Toolkit for Teens: Easy and Practical CBT and DBT Tools to Manage your Stress Anxiety Worry and Panic

By Teen Thrive
Why we recommend this book:
  • Clearly written for teens
  • Each tool is legit, and clearly described, with illustrations to help keep attention
  • A lot of this is the same stuff your therapist would teach you – now you can try to learn it on your own
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel
HowtoAdult book

How to Adult: Personal Finance for the Real World

By Jake Cousineau
Why we recommend this book:
  • Clearly written for teens and young adults
  • Written in small, digestible sections
  • Because they are not teaching this in school, and you NEED to know this stuff
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel
BeneathTheMaskTeens book

Beneath the Mask: For Teen Adoptees: Teens and Young Adults Share Their Stories [a workbook for teens]

By The Center for Adoption Support & Education
Why we recommend this book:
  • A companion workbook for Beneath the Mask, created to help adopted teens and young adults reflect on and process their journeys and feelings
  • Helpful for teens/young adults, parents, and clinicians who might be supporting them
  • Has been strongly recommended to us by other professionals who work extensively with adopted teens


Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel
SmartbutScatteredTeens teens

Smart but Scattered Teens: The “Executive Skills” Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential

By Richard Guare, PhD; Peg Dawson, EdD; Colin Guare
Why we recommend this book:
  • Not just for ADHD, but to help anyone understand more about executive functioning
  • Discusses some of the specific executive functioning challenges teens cope with
  • Can help parents and teens understand and compare their relative strengths and challenges in the different areas of executive functioning
  • Offers some practical tools for managing executive functioning challenges
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel
SmartbutScattered kids

Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary Executive Skills Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential Second Edition

By Peg Dawson, EdD; Richard Guare, PhD; Colin Guare, MS
Why we recommend this book:
  • Not just for ADHD, but to help anyone understand more about executive functioning
  • Can help parents and kids understand and compare their relative strengths and challenges in the different areas of executive functioning
  • Offers some practical tools for managing executive functioning challenges
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel
SmartbutScatteredGuidetoSuccess adults

The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success: How to Use Your Brain’s Executive Skills to Keep Up, Stay Calm, and Get Organized at Work and at Home

By Peg Dawson, EdD; Richard Guare, PhD
Why we recommend this book:
  • Not just for ADHD, but to help anyone understand more about executive functioning
  • Discusses some of the specific executive functioning challenges adults cope with
  • Can help adults learn more about their relative strengths and challenges in the different areas of executive functioning
  • Offers some practical tools for managing executive functioning challenges
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel
WhatDidIDoWrong book

“What Did I Do Wrong?”: An Accessible Guide to Preventing Traumatic Misunderstandings Between You and Your Autistic Loved One

By Jaime A. Heidel
Why we recommend this book:
  • Clearly written, by a beautiful AuDHD mind
  • Consistent format, with each scenario getting exactly one page
  • There’s no need to read front-to-back – look up the challenge scenario you need, and read about why misunderstandings happen, and what to do about them
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel
AsperkidsSecretBook book

The Asperkid’s (Secret) Book of Social Rules

By Jennifer Cook
Why we recommend this book:
  • Clearly written for teens and young adults
  • Includes illustrations and examples that help keep it relevant and interesting
  • Highly recommended, including by Temple Grandin, who said: “When I was a teen, I was bullied in school and called names. If this book had been available, my teenage years would have been less difficult.”
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel
LGBTQSurvivalGuideTeens book

LGBTQ: The Survival Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Teens

By Kelly Huegel Madrone
Why we recommend this book:
  • A few years old now, but still a great resource
  • A lot of information, but clearly written for teens, young adults, and concerned parents and adult caregivers
  • Has numerous vetted, recommended resources throughout
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel

Other Items​

MindfulKids deck

Mindful Kids: 50 Mindfulness Activities for Kindness, Focus and Calm

By Whitney Stewart and Mina Braun
Why we recommend this item:
  • We use this in our office, and Megan uses it at home (for herself and her kids)
  • Beautiful art, and clear descriptions of the different moves, actions, poses
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel
ShotBlocker item


ShotBlocker by bionix
Why we recommend this item:
  • A great tool to help reduce injection/shot anxiety

(5 count)
(50 count)
(100 count)

Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel


Why we recommend this item:
  • A smartphone for kids and teens with its own operating system, rather than a standard operating system and “parent control app” (that many kids learn to bypass).
  • Pinwheel has no internet browser or social media. Parents approve all contacts, monitor all texts, and decide what apps can be downloaded.
  • Developed by therapists, technologists, and parents.
  • You can add this phone to your existing cellular plan.

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Recommended by: All of You Counseling staff
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Do you know a book or other resource you think should be added to our list? If so, please email your recommendation (with an explanation of why you think we should add it), to