Favorite Category: For Expectant Parents

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What to Expect When You’re Expecting: (Updated in 2024)

By Heidi Murkoff
Why we recommend this book:
  • It’s full of information (some people think too much)
  • There’s a reason it’s been around for so many years
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel

Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom Is Wrong–and What You Really Need to Know (The ParentData Series)

By Emily Oster
Why we recommend this book:
  • It provides information about some of the common gray areas of pregnancy
  • Written by an economist who got tired of “we don’t know why, that’s just what we tell pregnant people to do” advice
  • She clearly has a pro-coffee bias, but otherwise this seems pretty objective
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel

The Girlfriends’ Guide to Pregnancy [second edition]

By Vicki Iovine
Why we recommend this book:
  • The original edition is almost 20 years old, but still this is a nice short, funny guide to pregnancy
  • She can’t possibly actually have this many girlfriends, but if you ignore that, there is some good advice in here, as well as some empathy for the pregnant person’s experience
Recommended by: Megan Adair Casteel