Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), clients have certain rights regarding the use and disclosure of their protected health information. If you chose to work with All of You Counseling, you will be given a full, detailed description of these rights. If you ever have any questions about your rights regarding your protected health information, or if you are a parent/guardian of a minor client and have questions about your rights or theirs, please contact your therapist or the All of You Counseling office at info@allofyoucounseling.com.
If you opt-in to allow a therapist to text you, no mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. As mentioned in our Privacy Policy, we will not use text to discuss HIPPA-protected information. We will only use your mobile information, with your permission, to discuss logistical or administrative needs (such as scheduling or billing), or to share non-HIPPA protected information such as suggesting publicly available resources, if you request. This applies to anyone with contact information stored in our Electronic Health Record system (including adult clients, minor clients, and parents/guardians/guarantors of minor clients). Your information will not be shared with any third parties, and will not be used by us for marketing.